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Our Saints

Nursery - St. Mary 

Mary is the mother of Jesus. Many people who pray to Mary use a prayer called the Hail Mary. The first part of the prayer honours Mary: "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus." The second part of the prayer asks for Mary's help: "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen." 

Feast Day: There are many feasts associated with Mary but on January 1st The Catholic Church celebrates: Mary, the Holy Mother of God. 

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Reception - St. Peter  

Saint Peter, also known as Simon Peter, Simeon, Simon, Cephas, or Peter the Apostle. He was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ, and one of the first leaders of the early Church. St Peter is the patron saint of popes and of Rome and of many cities that bear his name, such as St. Petersburg and Saint-Pierre. As a former fisherman, he is the patron saint of net-makers, shipbuilders, and fishermen, and, because he holds the “keys of heaven,” he is also the patron saint of locksmiths. 

Feast Day: June 29th 

Year 1 - St. Joseph 

Joseph was married to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Joseph is the Patron Saint of the Universal Church, unborn children, fathers, workers, travellers, immigrants, and a happy death.

A child’s prayer to St Joseph: St. Joseph, watch over me and care for me just as you cared for the child Jesus; and by your help, may I come to know your Son, and so grow in strength and wisdom and the favour of God. Amen. 


Feast Day: March 19th 

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Year 2 - St. Francis of Assisi 

Saint Francis of Assisi was a Catholic friar who gave up a life of wealth to live a life of poverty. He established the Franciscan Order of friars and the women's Order of the Poor Ladies. Francis was born in Assisi, Italy in 1182. He grew up leading a privileged life as the son of a wealthy cloth merchant.

Feast Day: October 4th 

Year 3 - St. Margaret Clitherow 

Saint Margaret Clitherow is an English saint and martyr of the Roman Catholic Church, known as "the Pearl of York". Margaret risked her life by harbouring and maintaining priests, she provided two chambers, one adjoining her house and, with her house under surveillance, she rented a house some distance away, where she kept priests hidden and Mass was celebrated through the thick of the persecution. Her home became one of the most important hiding places for fugitive priests in the north of England during the Reformation. 

Feast Day: August 30th 

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Year 4 - St. Catherine of Siena

St Catherine often visited hospitals and homes where the poor and sick were found. Her activities quickly attracted followers who helped her in her mission to serve the poor and sick. She also established a monastery for women in 1377 outside of Siena. She is credited with composing over 400 letters, her Dialogue, which is her definitive work, and her prayers. These works are so influential that St. Catherine would later be declared a Doctor of the Church. She is one of the most influential and popular saints in the Church. 

Feast Day: April 29th 

Year 5 - St. Paul

Paul's name was originally Saul. While he was on the road to Damascus in search of Christians to arrest there, he had a vision. In the vision Jesus Christ spoke to him, telling Saul that his persecution of Christians was a persecution of Jesus himself, and that it did not please God. Saul was blinded by the vision. A short time later he met Ananias, a disciple of Jesus, and his sight came back to him. He changed his name to Paul and he dedicated his life to serving Jesus Christ.

Feast Day: January 25th 

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Year 6 - St Chad

St Chad was a prominent 7th-century Anglo-Saxon churchman, who became an abbot of several monasteries, Bishop of the Northumbrians and subsequently Bishop of the Mercians and Lindsey People. He was later canonised as a saint. He was the brother of Cedd, who was also a saint. 

The Shrine of St Chad above the High Altar in St Chad’s Cathedral in Birmingham, contains some of his relics which were rescued from Lichfield Cathedral during the reformation. 

Feast Day: March 2nd 

The Hive - Saint Martin De Porres

Saint Martín de Porres is the patron saint of interracial harmony, known for his social work and miraculous healing powers. Saint Martin entered the Dominican clergy in 1601, although it was quite unusual at the time for someone of mixed race to be received into the religious order. He was known for his vegetarian lifestyle, social work and unique healing powers, and for founding a residence in Lima for orphans and abandoned children.


Feast Day: November 3rd 

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St. Peter's Catholic Primary School

Learning Together, Loving God, Becoming the best I can

01922 710872

Lichfield Road




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